Saturday, August 9, 2014

Quit smoking: eight ways to quit smoking

With the passage of time and the huge modern science, evidence and scientific evidence that smoking causes a third of cancer deaths and one quarter the incidence of fatal heart attacks. According to the American Lung Association, the 350.000 people die each year from smoking-related diseases. What is surprising is that more than 40,000 study has shown that smoking destroys health and cause death. All of this evidence led experts to warn people of the dangers of smoking and they advise them to quit (if the person is our input)
In this article, we present to you dear reader, eight effective ways to quit smoking. If NetApp is at sttmak from which he sold the rule of life and better health:

Repeat yourself with the phrase "If took off from smoking now, I will live a longer life."

Here's a simple but important fact: the body's ability to heal itself. For example, after 15 years of not smoking, the person will lobby to return to its natural state as a person who has not entered the at all! Smokers who quit are in the age range 35-39 years, adding to the nearly five years of age. Women lobby NAT, they add to the almost three years of age. It should be noted that these years are merely approximate and not exact years, there were people living much longer than three or five years.

Do some research

Knowledge is power, scientific and correct information that can lead you to freedom from smoking. There are many excellent books available now in the markets, which discussed the dangers of smoking and how to quit. Do a simple search online and find some books that talk about smoking and directly relevant to your circumstances and your personality. Read the information you got and think carefully about it and place the information that I've read is in progress. The philosopher Thomas Volare said: "the work is the fruit of knowledge".

Grow your incentive to quit.

Despite all the scientific evidence about the dangers of smoking, but most people who get it are doing so for personal reasons too! Someone has simply given up smoking because it saw a relative's death due to lung cancer. The lady was taking off from smoking because she is pregnant and concerned about the health of her unborn child. Another person has simply given up smoking because he suffers from heart disease. It is therefore necessary to know your personal reasons for quitting, and that will be your motivation to keep trying and difficult stage of quitting smoking.
Here are some reasons you may enrol for smoking cessation:

Will I be able to control my life better.
Satmet with better health.
Satmak of the rule in heart rate and blood pressure better.
Am going to lots of money.
Satkhel am from the stench of my breath and my clothes and my stuff.
I'll be a good example for my children.
The larger card satmet.
Less likelihood of fires in the home.
Satgn b shield myself from the probability of death due to heart disease, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, cancer and other diseases caused by smoking.
Sahami family from the effects of passive smoking and not incurring in their illness.
Not received the comments of the people around me.
Will not damage my clothes or clothes for others because of fly ash.
Will I be able to live longer with the permission of God.
Add any other positive benefits of not smoking.
When you have finished setting up a list of your reasons, read it every day and its hopes for 2 minutes on a regular basis. Also don't forget to add any new reasons todiscover. When you feel an urge to smoke, ask people around you to give a reason for quitting. Every time you hear a new cause, add it to your list focusing on the impact on your life.

4. consult your doctor and competent medical centres.

Select a date to go to your doctor to know on your plan to quit smoking. Most doctors want to help you to quit smoking, and can help you develop a program to meet your personal needs and medical. Doctors can also show you other nicotine alternatives that you can use to dispense him, like nicotine, chewing gum (gum) nicotine, nicotine spray you concerning peacekeepers has evaporated specific quantities of nicotine vapor to the inside of the mouth, as well as electronic and other cigarette alternatives. Some of these alternatives do not need medical advice, but others require a prescription. Then consult your doctor.

5. develop new habits and good rather than the harmful habit.

I support your step quit smoking through adoption of regular physical activity such as exercise. Many studies demonstrate that there is a clear link between exercise and success in quitting smoking. In one of these studies, the researchers followed the progress of the joint programme's 281 women to stop smoking. Half of these were chosen randomly for the ladies engage in regular sports activities, while women survivors have attended health lectures discusses smoking and risk and ways to quit.

After the end of the study, the results are amazing! The number of the abstention from smoking – who had a sports activity, twice the number who attended health lectures! In addition to this, the lost ladies who enrolled in the sports program and gained some weight, agile and flexible. Researchers believe in quitting the exercise that will greatly support the move because they:

Build confidence and motivation.
Reduce cravings for nicotine addiction, especially in the first few weeks.
Reduce stress and relax.
Helps control weight.


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