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Quit smoking: eight ways to quit smoking

With the passage of time and the huge modern science, evidence and scientific evidence that smoking causes a third of cancer deaths and one quarter the incidence of fatal heart attacks. According to the American Lung Association, the 350.000 people die each year from smoking-related diseases. What is surprising is that more than 40,000 study has shown that smoking destroys health and cause death. All of this evidence led experts to warn people of the dangers of smoking and they advise them to quit (if the person is our input)
In this article, we present to you dear reader, eight effective ways to quit smoking. If NetApp is at sttmak from which he sold the rule of life and better health:

Repeat yourself with the phrase "If took off from smoking now, I will live a longer life."

Here's a simple but important fact: the body's ability to heal itself. For example, after 15 years of not smoking, the person will lobby to return to its natural state as a person who has not entered the at all! Smokers who quit are in the age range 35-39 years, adding to the nearly five years of age. Women lobby NAT, they add to the almost three years of age. It should be noted that these years are merely approximate and not exact years, there were people living much longer than three or five years.

Do some research

Knowledge is power, scientific and correct information that can lead you to freedom from smoking. There are many excellent books available now in the markets, which discussed the dangers of smoking and how to quit. Do a simple search online and find some books that talk about smoking and directly relevant to your circumstances and your personality. Read the information you got and think carefully about it and place the information that I've read is in progress. The philosopher Thomas Volare said: "the work is the fruit of knowledge".

Grow your incentive to quit.

Despite all the scientific evidence about the dangers of smoking, but most people who get it are doing so for personal reasons too! Someone has simply given up smoking because it saw a relative's death due to lung cancer. The lady was taking off from smoking because she is pregnant and concerned about the health of her unborn child. Another person has simply given up smoking because he suffers from heart disease. It is therefore necessary to know your personal reasons for quitting, and that will be your motivation to keep trying and difficult stage of quitting smoking.
Here are some reasons you may enrol for smoking cessation:

Will I be able to control my life better.
Satmet with better health.
Satmak of the rule in heart rate and blood pressure better.
Am going to lots of money.
Satkhel am from the stench of my breath and my clothes and my stuff.
I'll be a good example for my children.
The larger card satmet.
Less likelihood of fires in the home.
Satgn b shield myself from the probability of death due to heart disease, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, cancer and other diseases caused by smoking.
Sahami family from the effects of passive smoking and not incurring in their illness.
Not received the comments of the people around me.
Will not damage my clothes or clothes for others because of fly ash.
Will I be able to live longer with the permission of God.
Add any other positive benefits of not smoking.
When you have finished setting up a list of your reasons, read it every day and its hopes for 2 minutes on a regular basis. Also don't forget to add any new reasons todiscover. When you feel an urge to smoke, ask people around you to give a reason for quitting. Every time you hear a new cause, add it to your list focusing on the impact on your life.

4. consult your doctor and competent medical centres.

Select a date to go to your doctor to know on your plan to quit smoking. Most doctors want to help you to quit smoking, and can help you develop a program to meet your personal needs and medical. Doctors can also show you other nicotine alternatives that you can use to dispense him, like nicotine, chewing gum (gum) nicotine, nicotine spray you concerning peacekeepers has evaporated specific quantities of nicotine vapor to the inside of the mouth, as well as electronic and other cigarette alternatives. Some of these alternatives do not need medical advice, but others require a prescription. Then consult your doctor.

5. develop new habits and good rather than the harmful habit.

I support your step quit smoking through adoption of regular physical activity such as exercise. Many studies demonstrate that there is a clear link between exercise and success in quitting smoking. In one of these studies, the researchers followed the progress of the joint programme's 281 women to stop smoking. Half of these were chosen randomly for the ladies engage in regular sports activities, while women survivors have attended health lectures discusses smoking and risk and ways to quit.

After the end of the study, the results are amazing! The number of the abstention from smoking – who had a sports activity, twice the number who attended health lectures! In addition to this, the lost ladies who enrolled in the sports program and gained some weight, agile and flexible. Researchers believe in quitting the exercise that will greatly support the move because they:

Build confidence and motivation.
Reduce cravings for nicotine addiction, especially in the first few weeks.
Reduce stress and relax.
Helps control weight.

Ten tips to quit smoking permanently

"Quitting is easy, I've done it thousands of times." The premise of the American writer Mark Twain might describe are you if you are a smoker. The cigarette is one of the most difficult types of addiction, but quitting is not impossible, the number of former smokers in America outnumber current smokers, and the more you are aware of the different options that others whenever they process easier for you.

In a series of "Radio Sawa" smoking this month we highlight the reasons that make quitting difficult, we offered 10 tips for helping a friend or relative to take off from harassment, reprimands, and then we put 30 reason to quit smoking is not related to your health.

Here are ten tips to help you quit smoking once and for all in accordance with leading us health agencies and associations:

1. Select the reasons why you want to quit smoking

Motivation is the most important factor in the resistance to the temptations of smoking, so it is important to establish a list of reasons for which you want to quit, according to the Centers for disease control recommends and prevention.
However, because it is harmful to health "may not be enough. It will need a strong personal incentives, such as "I want to protect my family from secondhand smoke," or "I want to be a good role model for my children" or "I want to avoid wrinkles" or "I want to save money," or "I don't want to judge others that I have a bad habit" or "I don't want to hit impotence." Here are 30 reason to quit smoking is not related to your health, choose drives that exceed their strength for you force desire to ignite the cigarette.
Plan for dealing with the symptoms of quitting include depression, stress and difficulty in sleeping and angry quickly, difficulties with concentration and increase aloznda a plan for dealing with the symptoms of quitting include depression, stress and difficulty in sleeping and angry quickly, difficulties with concentration and weight gain

2. request support from others

Tell your family and your friends who trust you intend to quit smoking, and ask that they support you in the coming days and weeks, but select them how to support (for example: I want these days reducing stress), the recommended location of the Cancer Institute, smokefree.gov national (State Enterprise). If you know anyone quit smoking, talk about his experience, the psychological support reduces stress resistance of addiction.

3. specify the times when anxious to cigarette

Do you crave a cigarette when tense or depressed? While your friends are smoking?With coffee? After the meal? When bored? While watching TV? After a fight with someone? Select the times and circumstances, getting on a plan to replace the smoking habit in these times with other habits of distraction, such as walking for a quarter of an hour or play a game on your Smartphone or eat a piece of fruit or chew gum, wait 15 minutes and then relaxing activities, spoke by phone with someone you trust and same him about your feelings, see list of reasons you set for yourself to quit smoking.

Plan to deal with the symptoms of quitting include depression, stress and difficulty in sleeping and angry quickly, difficulties with concentration and weight gain.
Tell your family and your friends that you intend to quit smoking, ask them to ydamokakhber your family and your friends that you intend to quit smoking, ask them if they support you

4. use the smoking cessation drugs

There are many medications "cure for nicotine" Nicotine Replacement Therapy, the disease centers say they increase the chances of your desistance from smoking reduces the urge to smoke and reduce the symptoms of quitting, many of which are available from non-prescription, and is authorized by the u.s. food and Drug Administration for this purpose, such as nicotine and nicotine gum and nicotine lozenge candies tablets and sprays nicotine and nicotine inhalers and pills that are placed under the tongue. These drugs make up the body of nicotine which became addicted but not the dangers of smoking, and during the boot will use lower doses and less to the body gradually gets used to the nicotine.

Many medications are available that require a doctor's prescription, such as Bupropion bobrobion wevarinikline Varenicline. And disease prevention Center cautions that no drug is perfect for everyone because people are different, the treatment does not work try another treatment.

And the u.s. national health centres emphasize that medications for nicotine to avoid weight gain during use, but people are overweight when they quit nicotine altogether.

The impact of the electronic cigarette, it remains controversial in the medical community and Government. Although some believe it's less harmful, but tests conducted by the food and Drug Administration found that some electronic cigarettes contain carcinogens and other toxic chemicals.
Get rid of all tobacco products, matches and cigarette lighters, plates, try getting rid of smoke odors from your home wesiartktkhls of all tobacco products, matches and cigarette lighters, plates, try getting rid of smoke odors from your home and your car

5. applications for smart phones and other electronic solutions

Become a smart phone facilities and assigned to a lot of problems, including smoking cessation, since many applications are available that provide tips and information and promotion analytics and interactive for your smoker and realistic programme design and plan suitable for your circumstances and an opportunity to interact with others trying to quit and share experiences with them. These free apps in Arabic for Android "dangers of smoking a file" and "tips to quit smoking, and smoking and damage".

And applications excellent in English free LIVESTRONG MyQuit Coach-Dare to Quit Smoking for Apple devices and Quit It Lite-stop smoking now for Apple devices and Quit Smoking for Android and QuitSTART available for Apple devices and Android.

Have you decided

Quitting smoking is very difficult. .. Here are the causes and solutions

While most smoking (in America at least) want to quit smoking, most try it more than once, despite the availability of many medicines that help to give up this habit, there are 1.3 billion people still smoke around the world, according to the World Health Organization. What are the causes of difficulty in quitting?

It's actually a complex causes ranging from addiction to nicotine to dangling a cigarette in hand and mouth to genetic and psychological reasons varying from one person to another.

In a series of "Radio Sawa" smoking this month offered 10 tips to quit smoking, and 10 tips for helping a friend or relative to take off from harassment, reprimands, and then we made 30 reason to quit smoking is not related to your health.

And that causes addiction gives us a clearer understanding of the roots of the problem, it is easier to access them. And here we will explain the main causes that make quitting difficult.

Share your opinion

If you are a smoker, what is the biggest reason makes quitting difficult for you?
Nicotine addiction
Attachment to grip and the presence of cigarette in mouth
I have a strong tendency of Jenny addiction
The causes of psychological and emotional
I don't see the harm of smoking now
I'm afraid weight gain
Other reasons
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Nicotine addiction

The cigarettes contain nicotine, a substance found in tobacco plant activation effect and relax together, and move the article within seconds to the brain when inhaled, causes a feeling of comfort and ease tensions, and nicotine also modify mood and speed up heart rate. However, this feeling is temporary, and after the article disappear from the body is lusting for another cigarette, causing a vicious cycle of addiction. The report of the Chief Physician Surgeon General in the United States that "nicotine cause addiction with the same level of heroin walkokaen."
Chief physician in the United States say that nicotine cause addiction with the same level of heroin walkokaenkbir physicians in the United States say that nicotine cause addiction with the same level of heroin walkokaen

In addition, tobacco companies have over the past decades to redesign cigarettes to be addictive, according to a study by the Massachusetts Department of public health in collaboration with the Faculty of medicine at the University of Massachusetts.

Symptoms include lack of nicotine in the body a sense of tension and difficulty in sleeping and irritable, difficulty concentrating and increased appetite. Although these symptoms are most pronounced in the first days and weeks, they may last for months, but pales gradually each day empty when the body of nicotine.

To deal with the symptoms of quitting nicotine recommended treatments for nicotine, such as nicotine, chewing gum and candy discs, they increase the chances of success in quitting, according to the Centers for disease prevention. These drugs make up the body of nicotine which became addicted but not smoke damage during liftoff will use lower doses and less to the body gradually gets used to the nicotine.

Tying manual and oral

Many cigarette smokers because they feel the need to always be there running their hand or mouth. The way to hold the cigarette and its correlation with the mouth (the so-called combination oral oral fixation) is an essential part of the addiction. Also, for many, smoking is linked to the other habits such as drinking coffee or tea or talking with friends smoking, they become habits "secondary boosters." In these cases there is a high probability of failure to quit smoking by using nicotine compensation treatments, because the smoker draws on behavioral means to rest, so needed distraction his hands and lips, alternatives to cigarettes.

These alternatives the recommended location of the Cancer Institute, smokefree.gov national (Government): constipation always pencil or your water or ball or small game, and put something in the mouth, such as dental cleaning sticks, cinnamon sticks, Lollipop or candy hard or sugar-free gum or carrot or cucumber or Apple, drink lots of water or fruit juice, and walking outdoors and brushing after eating, washing, and ignite the candle (as a substitute for a cigarette), play electronic games On the phoneor otherwise. This is advised by drawing and using a toothpick and nail polish color.
Many cigarette smokers because they feel the need to always be there running their hand or fmhmitalk many cigarette smokers because they feel the need to always be there running their hand or mouth

Genetic tendencies to addiction

Several studies have found that there are genetic factors make some people get addicted to smoking more than others. The study published in the journal addiction Addiction genetically variable called CHRNA5 increases the likelihood of dependence on smoking after the first experiment.

Also found a study published in the journal of the American Medical Association that "adolescents who have Gini inclined addiction have a tendency more than 24 percent because they smoked daily after the first cigarette by the age of 15, and they have a tendency to 22 percent that fail in attempts to quit smoking after the age compared to those who do not have this genetic factor.

Says another study published in the journal Drug and Alcohol Dependence that understanding the genetic factor is important in improving the treatment methods are appropriate for each person.
Learn why addictive gives a clearer understanding of the roots of the problem and facilitate opportunities for maalgthamarfah causes addiction give a clearer understanding of the roots of the problem and facilitate opportunities for processed

The psychological and emotional factors

Dr John ftzgirld, psychologist specializing in addiction, the main reasons why people fail to quit addiction like smoking they don't deal with the